Monday, April 26, 2010

contém spoilers do último the office (secretary's day).

Vou postar aqui também, pois é related.

Stranger: hmm well do you have any other hobbies?
You: sure
You: movies, tv shows, games..
You: the usual hehe
Stranger: nice nice
You: i looooove movies
You: and am addicted to tv shows
Stranger: what are your favorites?
You: ah there are so much!
You: do you watch any?
Stranger: haha
Stranger: yeah
You: such as?
Stranger: the office, its always sunny in philadelphia
You: OMG
Stranger: thats about all i watch really
Stranger: southpark haha
Stranger: futurama
Stranger: everyone loves the office...duh
You: haha not on brazil they dont XD
Stranger: really?!
Stranger: omg
You: inorite
You: so sad
You: such an awesome show
Stranger: thats very sad
Stranger: it really is
You: i take it you watch it on nbc every week?
Stranger: yess
You: have you seen the last one?
You: the secretary's day
Stranger: yes!
You: omg erin freaked out!
Stranger: i know!
Stranger: i dont really think it shouldve been that big of a deal haha
You: ahh i dunno
You: michael is such an idiot
You: i cant believe he told her
You: haha
Stranger: i love him though
Stranger: haha
You: yeah ofc
You: he is such a child
Stranger: that whole cookie monster thing was funny
You: kevin is hilarious
Stranger: and that corporate guy haha
You: "the IT guy"
You: lmao
Stranger: lol
You: my fave char is jim though
Stranger: i love how he messes with dwight
You: yep yep
You: dwight is also amazing
Stranger: agreed
You: "i knew about the plant and chose to let it die"
Stranger: hahaha
You: you have no idea how happy i am right now
Stranger: hahaha
You: i've always wanted to talk about the office on omegle
Stranger: what cna i say, i make dreams come true
You: it's my favorite comedy show
Stranger: hahaha
You: :D


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