Sunday, December 27, 2009

Scrubs - 9x05 - Our Mysteries

Supostamente o último episódio do JD na série.

Impossível não postar isso.

Notícia ruim: uma das piores personagens voltou.

Ms. Happy-go-lucky. Just no.

Hm, parte do episódio é sobre, bem, a despedida de JD. Então os alunos tinham que fazer uma avaliação sobre os professores. JD fez de tudo para que os seus lhe dessem notas e reviews boas. Mas ele encontra uma que fala mal. "Se importa mais com a opinião dos alunos do que dar aula." Ele investiga um pouco e descobre que foi o Dr. Cox que escreveu. Segue o diálogo:

JD: Why would you do that to me?
Cox: Because, as always, pushing your buttons amuses me, and I know you don't think I have anything left to teach you, but maybe.. I wanted you to see just how ridiculous you truly are constantly chasing their approval.

Lucy se mete na conversa e diz: Sorry to interrupt Dr. Dorian, I just wanted to make sure you'll still gonna be my blood buddy?

JD: I'll be there.
Cox sorri.
JD: What?

Cox: You can't even help yourself, can you? Dorian.. In order for these kids to really learn, sooner or later, you gotta let go of their hands.

JD: So I'm suppose to be like you? And just rule by fear? Perry, they hate you.
Cox: Yes, they do, and sure I could be a little bit kinder. But that's not going to happen and where's why: we're creating doctors, not kindergardeners.

JD: They need me.

Cox: Do they? Because I don't ever remember holding your smooth little doll hands and you turned out to be not-too-horrible-a-doctor.

Antes disso, Cox fala sobre as últimas provas dos alunos.

Cox: It is time for your final practical exams of the quarter, learning how to draw blood from an actual human being. Sadly, most of you will pass, but there are one or two of you out there who will fail this miserably proving, for once and for all, that you don't belong here and, OH MY GOD *fica extremamente feliz* it's like it's xmas eve and one of you is just a big box of failure waiting to be unwrapped, I wanna open ya, I wanna open ya so bad *começa a pular batendo palmas* but no! I'm gonna wait, Because the waiting makes it so much sweeter.

Lucy é uma dessas boxes of failure em potencial. O conselho de JD é:

"The needle is your friend!"

Ela sai bem, na frente de Dr. Cox.

Lucy: I did it! I actually did it!
Cox, sorridente: You most certainly did! And the good news is that med school gets a lot easier after this!
Lucy: Really?
Cox: No. No.


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