Friday, January 22, 2010

30 Rock - 4x11 - Winter Madness

O Lutz é o idiota de 30 Rock mas ele é engraçado.

Liz chega no escritório e tá todo mundo olhando pra ele, com cara séria.

Pete: Do the right thing!
Liz: What's going on?
Pete: It's Lutz's turn to pick where we eat today.
Liz: Oh boy. Lutz, don't do this.
Lutz: It's my turn to pick. I'm the picker.
Liz se aproxima dele: Lutz, look at me. It's a long year, think of the group.
Lutz: Subway.
Todo mundo reclama, uns inclusive atiram coisas nele.
Liz: Woa, guys, calm down! I know we're all tired and cranky but just gotta get to the end of this season. And hey who knows maybe someone people won't be coming back next year.
Lutz: I don't care. Worth it.
Todos reclamam.

Oh, Lutz..

LOL. TGS vai apresentar um programa em Boston, culpa de Jackie D. e Pete diz que vai ser ruim, dividir quartos de hotel, sem internet, etc. Após o anúncio, Lutz vai falar com Frank.

Lutz: Did Pete just say we're doubling up rooms? Did he?
Frank: Argh, this is the worst..
Lutz: What if, ahm, you and I roomed together?
Frank: Oh.. No, Toofer and I already talked about it-
Lutz grita: You can't have talked about it! You just said you didn't even know about it!
Frank grita também: You think I like sharing a room with Toofer? Dude's still playing that Obama song *mostra o Toofer atrás do Frank e Frank se vira pra ele* And yeah, I know you're standing there!

LOL, ADORO PIADAS COM OS ESPECTADORES. Eles vão pra Boston e o escritório do Jack é exatamente igual do de NY. Ele diz então que 7 itens estão diferentes. "See if you can spot which ones." E então isto:


Jack e Juliane Moore se divertem nos estúdios. Eles vão para um estúdio de telejornal e fingem ser âncoras.

Jack: And later in the hour, 10 tips on how to make your cat's birthday go prrrfectly.


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