Thursday, September 30, 2010

Community - 2x02 - Accounting for Lawyers

Look who it is!

É BFF famoso da vonsks! XD

Ele: Carai, o que esse lugar fez contigo?
Jeff: Oh, you have no idea.

This happens.

Jeff: Now you have some idea.

Ele: Se dessem prêmios para mind games, the statue would be Jeff Winger doing it to a brain.

Jeff tá uma lição de why ele vai hang out mais com o old friend.

Britta: In other words, we are not cool.
Jeff: I never said that. You may have heard it, I may have thought it and it may be true, but I never said it.
Abed: Jeff, a gente vai te ver amanhã na blá blá blá?
Jeff: No, Abed, I'm going to a cool party, no meu antigo e cool trabalho, for when my life was cool.

Look who it is, part 2!

Cena sensacional!


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